Web Development/Site TODO
Website TODO - $Id: TODO 1284 2005-09-25 01:48:20Z chipster $
| Legend: |
| ------- |
| X = done |
| - = not-done |
| - .... [XX] = [XX] working on it, not finished. |
Freerock Suggests:
- Package browser based on PACKAGES.TXT, and have a
ie. PACKAGES.TXT-0.2.0
- USER ASSIGNED SOFTWARE. Page that lists which users
have been assiged to certain packages for testing
purposes. Maybe have a separate page with a check
list to say that they have tested the package.
- Add svn tarballs to website.
Malloc Suggests:
X fix "How can I intall FRG using slapt-get" spelling
X Add slapt-get sources to frg64 port section
X slapt-get install instructions should now use the meta
package, and would be "slapt-get --install frgnome"
X slapt-get remove instructions would be the same as the
current xargs version of the install instructions
slapt-get --search 'frg$'|awk '{print $1}'| \
xargs -r slapt-get --remove -y